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Trouble with the Fake Boyfriend (The Rock Bottom Series Book 3) Page 6
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Page 6
She smacked my arm playfully, and God, the urge to press my lips against hers was strong.
What the hell was happening?
“Let’s eat.” My mom motioned toward the dining room, and we all followed her in there.
Brooke took the seat next to me, and my mom had a grin on her face as she started passing around food.
“Brooke tells me that Kennedy and Tucker finally moved out.” She passed me the biscuits, and I had to admit they looked amazing.
“Yeah. Just this week, actually. It’s weirdly quiet in my apartment.”
“Mine too.” Brooke nodded around a bite of food.
She was eating the food so quickly you would think the girl had never had a home-cooked meal in her life.
My mom grinned harder. “Have you two thought about moving in together?”
I coughed around my drink and I was pretty sure Brooke was choking on her biscuit.
“Sarah, leave them alone.” My dad shook his head, but he didn’t seem at all surprised by her words.
“What? I was just asking. It would save them a lot of money on bills.”
And a lot of time on her schedule of marriage and children.
“I just got my own bathroom for the first time in my entire life. I’m not sure I’m ready to share again just yet.” Brooke laughed.
I don’t know why, but that kind of shocked me.
Brooke and I had never talked about our lives before we met, what our families were like, but I had always assumed that she came from a lot of money like Kennedy.
But maybe I was wrong.
Maybe I didn’t know nearly what I thought I knew about her.
“Do you have any siblings?” My mom sounded genuinely interested in learning about her, and I felt like a complete asshole because I was waiting for the answer too.
“No siblings.” She shook her head and pushed some food around her plate. “It was just me and my mom.”
The way she said it was like it was the worst reality in the world, and maybe for her, it was.
“What was this one like growing up?” She hiked her thumb in my direction, and it was easy to see she was deflecting the conversation off of her and her family.
“He was a bit wild.” My mom laughed as she looked at me. “Football star, heartthrob, several broken bones.”
I wagged my eyebrows at her as my mom listed off my shining qualities, and she laughed before knocking her knee against mine under the table.
“He was also really bad at English.” I swiveled my head in my dad’s direction. “It almost got him kicked off the football team a couple times.”
“You’re supposed to be telling her the positive things, Dad. Not the negative.”
“No. I want to hear the negative.” She scooted her chair closer to the table and simultaneously closer to me.
“Well, he also had the hardest time learning to talk.” My mom looked at me like it was her favorite memory in the world. “He had this little lisp and you could barely understand anything he said.”
“Mom.” I laid my head back in frustration. I didn’t need Brooke knowing all my dirty little secrets or my embarrassing ones.
“It was cute.”
“A lot cuter than that time we caught you trying to sneak your girlfriend in.” My dad nodded, and I wished he would stop right where he was. I hadn’t thought about Katie in years. Hell, I hadn’t seen her in years.
Katie was the first and last girl I let break my heart.
“He got caught?” Brooke was laughing.
“Yes. He got caught.” My mom looked a lot less pleased with this memory. “He isn’t as smooth as he thinks he is.”
“No.” Brooke shook her head with a smile. “He certainly is not.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I was smooth. I was the smoothest damn thing they had ever seen.
“Nothing.” She patted my cheek like I was a child as she fake whispered to my mom. “I can’t mess with his ego too much. He gets all whiny.”
“Don’t I know it.” My mom nodded her head in my dad’s direction.
“I am not whiny.” My dad took my words right out of my mouth.
“Of course you’re not, honey.” She patted his hand before scooping some more food on his plate and winking at Brooke.
I don’t know what it was, but there was something about seeing my mom and Brooke get along so well that did something. I don’t even know how to explain it.
This was Brooke. She wasn’t acting, there was no pretending, except for her feelings for me. She was who she was, and my mom loved her.
It was a blessing and a huge problem.
A huge fucking problem.
I didn’t want to let my mom down more when Brooke and I “broke up” then I would have if I had just shown up alone.
I was so damn screwed.
I needed Brooke to be less likable.
I didn’t need or want my mom to love her.
It would just make everything more difficult.
But it didn’t matter what I wanted, my mom was falling for her before my very eyes, and there wasn’t much I could do about it.
“I still have to get a dress for the wedding if you’d like to go shopping one day.” My mom was looking at Brooke, and I could see all the daughter-in-law fantasies flash through her head.
“I’d love that. I could actually use a new dress too.”
Brooke’s plate was almost empty so I loaded her up with more mashed potatoes and green beans.
“Thanks.” She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.
“You’re welcome.”
“Brooke, what do you do?”
She looked up at my dad and shifted in her seat. “I manage a salon.”
She said it like it was something she shouldn’t be proud of, like what she did wasn’t important, and I hated that she felt that way.
“She’s planning to open her own salon and spa.” I had to go and open my big mouth.
“That’s incredible.” My mom smiled across the table at her. “I’m sure Liam could be lots of help. He has done a great job with his businesses.”
“Yeah.” Brooke nodded and smiled over at me. “He’s been offering up some good advice.”
Please don’t say I bribed you with a building.
“Are you wanting to do something in the same downtown area that Rock Bottom is in?” My dad seemed genuinely interested.
Brooke nodded and I could tell from the way her eyes lit up that this was truly what she wanted. I wondered how many people had asked her about her dreams. I wondered how many had ever cared. “There’s this old house right in the middle of downtown. It almost seems a bit out of place with all the new construction and remodels going on, but I’d love to buy it and turn it into exactly what I want.” She barely took a breath as she spoke. “It has these big double doors up front, and I want to have a reception area and check-in right when you walk in. Then I would have a salon downstairs, and upstairs I would renovate the rooms to host different spa treatments.”
“It doesn’t sound like you’re going to need to much advice from him.” My dad pointed his fork in my direction. “It sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into this.”
“I have.” She was practically beaming. “I want it to be a place that women feel welcome when they walk in and better about themselves when they leave.”
“That sounds wonderful.” My mom was smiling at her like she was listening to the dreams of her own child. “Then when Jim and I come to visit Liam, I could come get pampered.”
“Absolutely. Maybe we could even serve some of Sarah’s biscuits in the little bakery I’d love to run out of the kitchen.”
My mom’s eyes lit up, and I swear I could see this entire thing blowing up right before my very eyes.
“Mom, we’re fine to take separate rooms. Brooke can sleep in the guest room and I’ll take my old bedroom.”
“Nonsense.” She shook her head, and I tried to avoid Brooke g
iving me the stink eye from behind her. “You’re almost thirty years old. I think it will be okay for you and your girlfriend to sleep in the same bed.”
“It’s not a big deal.” Brooke nodded toward the closed door that held the guest bed. “I don’t mind sleeping in there.”
“Now hush. The both of you.” My mom opened the door to my bedroom then stepped out of the way. “I put fresh sheets and blankets on his bed since his were a bit dingey. Goodnight, you two.” Then she smiled and headed toward her bedroom as I ushered Brooke into my tiny ass room.
She walked around the room looking at all the shit on my walls and shelves that had been there since I was in high school as I set our bags down near the window. There were loads of football trophies from my days on the field and a few posters of half-naked girls on my walls.
If I had thought my mother was going to force us to room together, I would have asked her to shove half of this shit in the closet.
“Your parents are really nice.” She ran her finger over the dust on one of my trophies.
“Yeah. They are. I think they like you a little too much though.” I sat down on the corner of my bed and started pulling off my shoes.
She turned toward me, and I could feel her watching my movements. “Is that an issue? Would you rather I make them hate me?”
I tossed my shoes into the corner of the room and looked up at her. “It would be easier when this is all over.” I waved my hand between the two of us, but we both knew exactly what I was talking about.
“Okay. So be a bitch from here on out.” She nodded her head, but I could tell she was irritated. “Got it.”
“I didn’t say you had to be a bitch.” I rubbed my hand down the back of my neck because I honestly wasn’t sure what the hell I was saying.
“Then what exactly are you saying?” She reached for her bag and placed it on the bed beside me.
She was going through it like she was searching for gold while I answered. “I just don’t want my mom to get hurt because she falls in love with you and then I rip you away.”
“Don’t worry.” She held her clothes close to her chest as she made her way to my bedroom door. “Nobody is going to fall in love with anyone.”
When the door shut behind her, I wasn’t sure if she meant my mom or me, but she was right. This was nothing but a lie, and it would be over before either of us could screw up anything.
His Past
I felt terrible.
I couldn’t believe that I allowed Liam to talk me into this. His parents were wonderful, truly, and I felt so much guilt every time his mama smiled at me like I was somehow solely responsible for bringing all the joy into her life.
It was almost enough to make me want to kill Liam.
Because I just wanted to tell her the truth. I wanted to tell her that I wasn’t dating her son, but that he was still wonderful. I was pretty sure she already knew that though.
I had spent the night with his skin plastered against mine as he curved around my body in his small bed. I could smell him all around me. Hell, the entire room smelled like him, and I wasn’t naïve enough to think that it didn’t affect me. That being here with him and his family wasn’t going to mess with me.
But it didn’t matter.
Liam Gentry was the key to making my dreams come true. I hated it. I hated that I needed him or his help, and I hated that I so willingly jumped at the opportunity.
I shifted in my seat as we pulled up to the small parking lot that was overflowing with trucks, boat trailers, and more guys in backward hats than I had ever seen.
Liam looked almost identical to the rest of them. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt, a pair of solid black swimming trunks, and a black ball cap that was thrown backward and keeping his hair out of his face, but he stood out without even trying.
It was a blessing for him, but starting to become a curse for me. Because as soon as we stepped out of his truck, every head turned in our direction, and I’m not just talking about the good ol’ boys that he went to high school with. Every single female whipped their head around so quickly, it was as if the prodigal son had returned and their available bachelor meter was going haywire. And God, I didn’t blame them.
There was something about him that made your baby maker wake the hell up and take notice.
I was shifting my bag on my shoulder, irrationally nervous for no good reason, and I hated that he made me this way. I never got nervous. Not for some guy and definitely not to meet his friends.
We walked up to a small dock where most of his friends were waiting, and I smiled when Ryan was the first person I saw. He didn’t waste any time as he made his way over to us, and I was surprised when he wrapped his arms around me and picked me up in a hug.
He didn’t have a shirt on, and his very firm, very attractive chest was buried against my hands as he squeezed me. “Well, hell.” He grinned as he set me back down on my feet next to a very stiff Liam. “I didn’t realize you were coming or I would have worn something nicer.” He winked, and I swear I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Ryan.” His name sounded so rough coming out of Liam’s mouth. “Don’t flirt with my girlfriend in front of me or I’ll throw you off the damn boat.”
It was what he should have said. Any good boyfriend would have, but the way he said it with his shoulders tense and his face scrunched up like he hated the way the words tasted on his lips, made me smile.
Liam was so far out of his element.
Ladies’ man or not, he had no idea what he was doing.
“Girlfriend?” Ryan raised his eyebrows like this was the news of the century, and I guess for Liam, it was.
I shrugged my shoulders, and that only seemed to piss Liam off more.
“He somehow won me over with all that charm.” I waved toward his still irritated face. “I mean, how could I resist.”
Ryan laughed, but Liam’s eyes narrowed in my direction. “I don’t know.” He reached for my bag before tossing it on one of the boats. “But when you’ve had enough of him, you know where I’m at.”
“Who is this?” one of the guys from the group asked which only seemed to catch everyone’s attention. He was big, huge really, and I was pretty sure he could bench press me with one of his pinkies.
Liam seemed to snap out of his angry haze that was still pointed in Ryan’s direction, and he grinned as the big man clapped his hand then patted him on the back.
Liam settled next to me again, this time gripping my hand in his. “This is Brooke, my girlfriend.”
I watched as almost every female on that damn dock seemed to deflate in front of me with that one damn word. Even the ones who were clearly attached to the guy at their side.
“Brooke, this is Andy.” He nodded in the big guy’s direction.
“Nice to meet you, darlin’. My condolences on having to spend time with this one.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Liam shoved his shoulder, and I winced. I was pretty sure Andy could throw Liam halfway across this lake if he wanted to. “We heading out there or what?”
“Let’s go.” Andy smiled before jumping off the dock onto one of the nicest boats I had ever seen.
Liam led me toward the boat Ryan was already on.
“Where exactly are we going?” I watched as the boats took off.
“We have a spot we all meet up and tie our boats off to one another. We’ve been going there since high school.”
Liam climbed in the boat, and when I started to step in myself, he reached up, gripping my hips in his hands, and lifted me down into the boat.
His hands felt too hot even through my clothing, and his body felt too close. “Thanks.” I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear before pulling my sunglasses down over my eyes.
“No problem.” He watched me for a moment before he moved toward the back of the boat and unhooked a rope as Ryan started the loud engine.
I took a seat exactly where I was, at the front of the boat, a
nd I looked out over the water to avoid looking at Liam or Ryan.
This wasn’t exactly my jam.
I didn’t really do outdoors too much, and honestly, I would rather have been in the air conditioning than the sun. But I would be lying if I said it wasn’t beautiful out here.
It was. Incredibly so. There were trees everywhere you looked, and steep mountainsides in the background. The water was green but as smooth as glass, and even though I really didn’t have any plans on getting in it, it did look refreshing.
The sharp wind from the speed of the boat had my hair whipping around my face, and I swear ninety percent of my lip gloss was now attached to the blond strands.
By the time we finally slowed down, I was shocked by how many boats were tied together in what looked to be the deepest damn part of the lake. Yeah, there was no way in hell I would be jumping in there.
Ryan pulled the boat up next to Andy’s and the guys made quick work of dropping anchor and tying us off to the other boat. There were tons of people floating in the middle of the lake, with beers in hand, and giant smiles on their faces.
One of the boats a few down from us was blaring some country music through their speakers and people were easily moving from boat to boat to talk to one another.
“You getting in?” Ryan asked as he moved to the front of the boat to tie another rope.
I looked over the edge at the endless abyss of green. “I’m not sure.”
“She’s getting in,” Liam said from behind me, but he was fucking crazy. One, he didn’t speak for me, and two, he was out of his damn mind if he thought I was getting in that water.
I looked over my shoulder just in time to catch him pulling his t-shirt over his head, and I swear to God, just one damn look at his torso was enough to make me forget that I was irritated with him only a moment ago.
He had some sort of hot guy voodoo or something.
He pulled a hot pink float that had two round seats connected to one another from the back of the boat. I was too busy watching him that I barely noticed as Ryan jumped off the front of the boat like he wasn’t worried about alligators or fish or God only knows what.